Our Marian is such a little darling - its been so wonderful getting to know her.
Marian is already Dad's little buddy.
We love her so much. It took a little bit to get used to the nights of broken sleep, and her high-maintenance needs, but it's pretty hard to imagine not having her around! I don't know what we did without her...we are already talking to her about all the fun things we are going to do when she gets a little bit older - sewing together, reading together, cooking, shooting, swimming....she's going to have a lot to learn. :)
Tiny toes
In these pictures, Marian wears a baby gown worn by her great-grandad she never got to meet, and holds a wartime tintype of her great-g-g-g-g-grandfather.
Sleepy girl.
Bright eyes and half a smile...
I'm not sure either one of us have quite gotten used to the idea of being parents yet, but we are enjoying every minute of it.