Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Corded Petticoat

Finished a corded petticoat today! I originally was making it to list on my Etsy shop, but when it was finally done - I just couldn't! I need a new one so badly for reenactment events. So - I'll keep this one, and use the pictures on Etsy for a custom listing.

Corded pettis were a sort of pre-hoop skirt support. 1840-50s mostly. (even so, I do wear mine for 1860s events) I wear one or two plain, full gathered petticoats over the corded. It gives quite a nice bell shape to skirts. Much less bothersome than my cage hoop!

For the material, I use white cotton muslin. Cording is Sugar 'n' Cream cotton cording. The cords are sewn into tiny channels between the fabric and the facing with a zipper foot. Quite tiresome and time consuming, but the results are worth it!


  1. YEAH!! It looks great!! I would love to make one myself, and now you have inspired me even more (another thing to add to the list for when we can come over for a sewing week!) ;)
    Love you!
