Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Etsy Sewing Projects & Photoshop

Following are some pictures of costumes that I -ahem- have had way too much fun with.  They are all made for my Etsy shop and modeled by my darling littlest sister. I photoshopped each into an appropriate backgound. And if I do say so myself, I think they turned out rather well. I had fun, anyway! I think the Red Riding Hood ones are my favs. Enjoy!


  1. Wow, they look great! The costumes, and the photoshopped pics. :-) I agree, the Little Red Riding Hood pics turned out really well.

    P.S. - thanks for following my blog!

  2. Very neat! I am looking foward to seeing all the sewing you will do. :D

  3. Love it!! The little fairy pic is really cute and I absolutely love the rid riding hood!!
    Can't wait for more pics!

  4. What did you use to photo shop these pictures? They look great!

  5. I used Microsoft Digital Image Suite. I think my main tool was the transparancy brush. After I made the back ground transparent on the foreground picture, I then copied and pasted it onto the new background.

    Let me know if you have any more questions! :^)

