Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Recipe: Coconut Macaroon Bars

Time for me to share my latest recipe discovery!

One afternoon last week I made this delectable dessert to take to a friend's house that evening. The recipe is from and is actually called Lemon-Scented Coconut Macaroon Bars. Except I prefer to leave off the 'lemon-scented' bit. Sounds too much like a candle.

I was a little afraid what with the delicate beating of the egg white topping, it would be difficult - but I was pleasantly surprised! If you can make brownies - or cornbread - this recipe will be a cinch.
The only change I made was to use unsweetened flaked coconut instead of sweetened. The bars were absolutely delicious - very light not overly sweet - but very flavorful. The lemon and coconut flavors are wonderful! Do be careful not to over-cook the crust - and have fun spreading the topping! I did! It was like playing with snow that doesn't melt. :^) Enjoy!

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