Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Giveaway Reminder and Sweet Treats

The giveaway ends tomorrow! Be sure to get your entry in on time! I will announce the winners by Friday.
Above artwork by me. Does it make you hungry? Prints hopefully coming soon!

Speaking of delicious sweets - I've been quite enamored lately by a darling genre of jewelry - miniature yummys. Amazingly realistic polymer clay jewlery by some very talented artists on Etsy and beyond. I could totally wear some of these fun pieces. Below are a few of my favorites. Which are yours?

Okay. I'm seriously hungry now. I'm off to the kitchen to stir up something real.


  1. Those jewelry pieces are so awesome! They make me hungry, and so does your painting. Pop tarts always remind me of my brother, who is sixteen and always on the lookout for pop tart sales. (:


  2. Atlanta, you have a beautiful blog, I like it. My favourite jewelry piece is the heart cookie necklace:)
