Tuesday, June 29, 2010

10 Things that Make Me Happy

This is a post for Rebecca's fun little blog parade! (thanks for doing this, friend!!)

10 Things that Make me Happy:
(not neccessarily in order...)

1. Praying. Troubles - gone. Worries - washed away. Peace restored.

2. A book so good it makes me cry. Those always become my favorites.

3. Sweet memories

4. Dancing with a friend!

5.  Painting, drawing, sketching...imagining.
(picture copywrited)

6. Reenactments. All the time - every day if I could.

7. Sewing. 
(picture copywrited)

8. Fabric shopping

9.Watching a Texas sunset from the back gate.

10. Chatting and sharing secrets with dear friends...


  1. Aww, this list made me smile and sigh. Such lovely things, they make me happy too... And when I came to that last picture of us, my heart ached with how much I miss you. :'(
    I love you dear friend, we must catch up soon!! I know, I'm the one who has not emailed you back...

  2. did you put a link from the original post to yours?

    Haha...great list, dear! :) number 8...pahaha

  3. I liked #1,#6 & #7.
    Of course, I would love to go to an re-enactment or a Regency ball.
