Thursday, June 10, 2010

Strawberry Limeade Smoothie

One day last week it was 105. I really really wanted something cold and scrumptious. So - time to invent a new recipe!

Strawberry Limeade Smoothies

1 bag frozen strawberries
1 can of frozen limeade concentrate

Place 6-7 strawberries in the blender. (if they are really hard frozen, you may need to cut them in half) Add two spoonfuls of frozen limeade. Blend until the berries are smooshed up and smooth. Now add a little or a lot of milk. (1/2 c. to 2 cups) Depends on if you want thicker ice cream texture, or thinner drinkable smoothie! (directions are for 1 large smoothie - unless you have a really large blender, you'll have to repeat for each person)

Really yummy. If I do say so myself.
I love strawberries - the limeade makes it sweetly tart, and the milk smooth and creamy. 
The perfect cool treat for a summer afternoon.

You could subsitute any type of frozen fruit with any type of juice concentrate that suited your fancy! 

Have fun and let me know if you try the recipe!  


  1. Ooh! That sounds tasty! I make strawberry and banana smoothies sometimes...

  2. Yummy! That looks so good and refreshing. This morning, I had a smoothie by using fresh strawberries, frozen pieces of mango, a splash of Dixie Peach juice from Trader Joes, orange juice, and vanilla yogurt; and I blended it altogether. It was so yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Will have to try that this summer.
    Your sister in Christ,

  3. YUM!!! YUM!!! YUM!!! lol

    That looks SO good.. especially since it has been really hot here, too! Thanks for sharing.. Although, I think we need to get together so you can make them for us.. good excuse to get together, right? lol

    Love ya! Sarah

  4. Hey! Sounds great. I'll be trying soon as I find the lid to my blender.... lol

  5. My husband is doing this new diet called the "Every Other Day Diet" or EODD for short. He does shakes/smoothies for breakfast every day! Strawberries are almost a staple to this shake. I love the recipes they have!

    Why don't you try tossing in flax or another fruit in there? Experiment. It's a lot of fun :)

  6. Any chance you could be more specific than a "couple spoonfuls"?

    Like tablespoon size?
