Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Giveaway Winner!

The Winner of the Regnecy Giveaway has been chosen! (by random.org)
The winner of the Design Your Own Regency Dress kit is......

...Jesus Freak! Congradulations! I'll be contacting you via your blog. :^)

Don't forget that kits are always available at Bonnyblue, Etsy, and Amazon.

Thank you to everyone who entered! A lovely day to all!


  1. Hooray for Jesus Freak!!

    I do plan on buying both the regency designer and the 1860s designer with some of my birthday money!

    Love, Meg

    P.S. Atlanta, in case you wondered why I did not enter into the giveaway is because my mom is "mamacooksalot" and she entered.

  2. Congratulations and blessings!

