Friday, September 24, 2010

18th Century Children's Costume

Earlier this week I had a lot of fun making this dress. I got a call from my aunt and 5-year-old cousin that they wanted to order a 'pink princess dress' for Halloween. My cousin also specifically told me that she wanted it 'glittery and sparkly'. So....for a while I didn't have any great inspiration. Then the next day when I was in the kitchen chopping garlic for pesto, the inspiration struck me to do it in an 18th c. style. 

Of course, not really any of the construction is historical. But, I think it is fun (on occasion) to try and capture the 'look' of the time period without actually going to all the trouble. I really enjoyed doing that when I costumed our homeschool drama group.

I even got sis to let me put this crazy wig on her for photos. *grin*

I really like the way it turned out. The double layer skirt gives it a nice fullness, and the vintage gold sequin trim provides plenty of 'sparkly'. Now - I'm off to make another Red Riding Hood Cape....


  1. Oh gosh, that is beautiful!! I love seeing the children's clothing that you sew; it makes me want to sew some too! :-) :-)

  2. Love it! Great reimagining of eighteenth century clothing--the princess inspiration comes out perfectly!

  3. That is so pretty! I love all your designs for children(girls). My little sister loves to dress up like a princess, so I've been trying to find some scraps big enough to make her some dresses. :-)

    Where do you buy your fabric?

  4. Thanks, girls!

    Joanna - I get fabric from all kinds of places. Usually I try to buy in bulk, keeping my eyes peeled for online sales, coupons for Joanns, and fabric and trim at estate sales. :^)

  5. Just a question - do you do your graphic design yourself? If so, what program do you use?

  6. Hi Emily! (and welcome!)

    yes, I do my own graphics. Currently I use Microsoft Digital Image Suite. It's a good program,I like it pretty well.

    I used to have an older version of Adobe Photoshop which was even better, but I lost it. :^(

  7. Super cute! I like her better without the wig though!
