Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fort Richardson Reenactment Report

Yesterday we spent the day at the historic Fort Richardson state park. Original historic buildings - good friends, a picnic lunch......and the heat. Wow. Was it ever hot. It couldn't have been less than 105 - stifling and humid. Nevertheless - a good time was had by everyone.

The hospital. (officer's quarters pictured above)

Two hansome brothers off to war....

Sitting in the shade playing word games and snacking.  Sorry for the plastic cups, etc. At this point we were so overheated, we really didn't care. :^)

I was wearing my blue wool dress. (I know - what was I thinking??) My dress had a mishap. As I was passing a barb wire fence --- RRRRRIIIIPPP. A gaping hole in one sleeve. *gulp* I'm hoping I can patch it satisfactorily. Lets look on the bright side. It will make it more authentic, right?

Pretty realistic fake food.

We had a good time posing pictures in the historic buildings.

"Could that really be him?! At last!"

The dance was interesting. Here we are all dressed and ready for action.


  1. WOW!! Looks like you had a very good time.. even with all the heat! :) Wish I could've been there!!!!
    Oh no! I hope you can patch your dress. That must not be fun at all..
    Yeah, I was looking at the pics before you said you were in your wool and I thought, "Yikes, is that her wool?!?!"
    So, why was the dance interesting?
    I will try to see if I can call you later on today.. if y'all are home! :)
    Talk soon!
    Love ya, Sarah

  2. Hehe while you were in 1860, I was in 1780 :) And it was raining where we were...but it cleared off and then got a bit steamy. Great pictures--I completely forgot my camera!

  3. I won't say much except missing seeing you guys made me S-A-D. Heat and humidity too. I would have loved to have been there. :) Did anyone else show up? The Hamiltons?


  4. Looks like so much fun...despite the heat! : )
    Even though it must have been sweltering, that wool dress is so lovely! : D

  5. Was this Ft. Richardson near Jacksboro, TX? One of these days I'll have to make it to one of their events. Glad to see photographs of the historic buildings. I drive past the site entrance during my sojourns between Wichita Falls and Austin.

  6. Yes - it is in Jackboro! It's a neat place.

  7. I found your blog a few weeks ago and think it is absolutely beautiful.
    Welive near Fort Richardson and love it there.
    Do you know if this is an anual event? Now that my youngest is in school we want to take them to more events. Our last reenactment was about 2 years ago. We have so few events in the North Texas area.
    Any way just wanted to say how much I enjoy your beautiful blog.
