Monday, October 25, 2010

How to make Crumpets

Crumpets are a delicious breakfast or tea-time treat. I first heard them mentioned while watching a British  movie - and I wondered 'What are crumpets??' So, I looked up a recipe and suddenly we had a new favorite! Basically crumpets are a small, round yeast pankcake that goes perfectly with butter and honey!

So - here's how to.....

6 Tb dry yeast
3/4 c. warm water
3 t. sugar
1 c. warm milk
12 Tb butter melted, divided
3 eggs
3 c. flour
1 1/2 t. salt

In a mixing bowl, dissolve  yeast in warm water. Add sugar, let stand for 5 minutes. Add the milk, 3 Tb. butter and eggs, mix well. Add flour and salt, beat until smooth. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled, about 45 minutes. (note - do not cover with a towel - the dough will stick to it like crazy! Plastic wrap would probably be better)

After it rises it will be very bubbly, runny and 'alive'. It's sort of creepy, actually.

Brush griddle and clean wide-mouth jar rings with butter. Place rings on griddle; heav over medium/low heat.  

Ladle bater into each ring. Leave some room for it to rise. cook until bubbles begin to pop and the tope appears dry. Remove rings, turn crumpets and cook until stides are golden brown.

Serve warm or let cool on a wire rack and toast before serving.

Inside they are very soft and porous, so they are best split open and topped with butter and honey or jelly!


  1. Interesting! I'd heard of them, too, but always expected them to be sort of like croissants? :)


  2. Mmm! Looks good! I've always wondered what they were- thanks for sharing!

  3. These sound so yummy! I will try them next weekend, for sure.

  4. Ah! I've always wondered how to make them, and since I didn't have any rings, I figured I wouldn't be able to...but I never thought of canning rings!! Wonderful!

  5. How lovely! I've heard of crumpets before, but never thought of looking them up. I will definitely have to try this out sometime. . . Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh, so THESE are crumpets! Lívance, lívanečky! :-) (That's what they're called in Czech.)
    There are actually special pans for making them: , so we lucky Czechs and related nations have easier life. But the canning ring idea is ingenious!

    I, however, usually make soda variety of lívance - they're more like "normal", thin pancakes, but they also rise a bit and are very soft, yum. The best thing about them is that you can make them from milk that has already gone curdly! Or buttermilk, yoghurt... My sister learned a Lithuanian/Russian variety with poppy seeds and raisins added to the mix - those are the best of the best!

  7. As a Brit we rarely split them open. rather slather them with butter and honey or jam and let it run down into the crumpet for extra buttery goodness. Also fantastic toasted if they aren't eaten immediately!
