Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What I've been up to....

This is what my room looked like this afternoon. My fabric area had grown intolerably messy - I just couldn't stand it any longer so I pulled everything out and put it back in. Nicer. and neater. My whole room needs a more thourough reorganizing, but that will have to wait until I have more time.

I also have several ongoing sewing projects. A white regency dress and an adult Rapunzel dress, both for Etsy clients.

Then I have a rather interesting costume challenge I'm trying to get done for the family.....

17th century outfits.
Yes, yes. I know. For months I've been saying my next new time period would be 18th century or 1830s.....but unforseen circumstances dictated that it must be 17th century. Specifically the years 1600-1620. English or Dutch inspired. Can anyone guess what the costumes might be??

My costume was the 'experiment one', and it is happily almost complete! Pictures will be forthcoming.

Now I just have 7 more costumes to go.....

*note - the dress pictured is not the look I am going for. It is just for laughs. :^)


  1. I can guess... is it for a reenactment or something of Plymouth Plantation? That's the time frame....

  2. Cant wait to see these!

    Rejoicing In Him, Patrizia

  3. Ooh!! It should be really neat! I can't wait to see.. you are SO talented.. I don't think I could take on that task!

    Love and miss you!! Sarah

  4. I'm guessing Pilgrims. After all, Thanksgiving is fast approaching!

  5. Lol! yes, all of y'alls guesses are correct!!

  6. Ohhh... well, Thanksgiving IS looming in the near future... so I'm guessing pilgrims! :)
    What a funny pic! Can't wait to see your costumes!!!

    God bless!

  7. Ooo . . . looking forward to seeing your project! That poor lady in the picture. . .that just looks uncomfortable! :D
