Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Brides: Then and Now



....and Now:

Seems that something very precious has been lost over the passing years.....
(and I don't just mean yards of fabric....)


  1. Agreed. Wedding dresses back then were so beautiful and special... Now the wedding dresses look like the bride is going to a club and not something as special as a wedding...

  2. If I get married, I want a dress just like that first picture! Like your post indicates, though, I'd probably have to sew it myself. :P It's a shame, really.

  3. I know, it is so sad! Even when they do have yards of fabric the attitude of the models usually ruins the overall effect.

  4. The wedding dress in the first picture is stunning!

    Oh dear what is the world coming to who in their right mind would want to wear one of the last two to their wedding!!

  5. Ah, come on! Not all of us modern brides are so morose. From my very first blog post: you can see a much happier and better covered bride.

  6. I can't believe there are people who would choose to wear wedding dresses like the last two over those gorgeous old-fashioned ones!

  7. I agree 100%. "Devastating" is the only word I can think of...

  8. I totally agree!!! My sister and I watch Say Yes To the Dress on TLX, and some of those dresses are awful!!!

  9. Yes I totally agree! Where is the purity and self respect and wanting to save their whole selves for their husbands! I want a gown that is to the floor on my wedding day! :)

    In Christ,

  10. Wholeheartedly agree. Todays gowns are cheap, tacky, and in many cases, sleazy. I watch Say Yes to the Dress, and I am appalled at the nasty "gowns" that are commercially available today.

    The only modern 'commercial' bridal gown I've seen in the last few years I would ever consider wearing is made by "The Graceful Lady", Anna Allen.

  11. I so totally agree! Though I do think those two "now" dresses are shorter than many. However, what some have in length is removed from the neckline. :(

  12. Who would even want to wear those dresses, they are completely ugly!

    Thanks for sharing,

  13. Good heavens! I completely agree with you. Honestly, most modern wedding dresses look either ridiculous or just unattractive. Oh for the lovely, feminine days when weddings were something special and signified so much more than they typically do now.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  14. Thanks everyone!

    Rachael - you are absolutely right. Not all modern brides choose to join the mainstream look - I'm so happy that there are some that choose to be different.
    (I couldn't get the link you gave me to work - but I would love love to see your dress!)

    Charity - right too - not all modern dresses are this short. However, I had a hard time finding something I was willing to post on my blog - so I had to go with these two. :^)

    These comments have given me an idea for a follow-up post. Be back later!

  15. Wow, that was depressing... :)
    Those top ones are so beautiful!
    Its sad that young women think that they have to leave off yards and yards of fabric to be beautiful on their wedding day.
    The other thing that struck me was the additudes!
    A Modest Fashion Blog:

  16. If I ever have a wedding, I'm definitely going for the old-fashioned look...:-) The first picture is especailly lovely! The last looks like a part of their dresses fell off.

  17. There is not much commitment, honor & respect if the bride looks as if she is advertising herself as "single" on her wedding day. I guess she got a good nightclub dress when the marriage goes south.
    A little dye, re-hem it and back to step one.

  18. All is not lost! Here are a few pretty modern dresses:

    And there's always vintage. ;) I love your first painting, BTW!

  19. Oh, so sad! a whole lot has definitely been lost.. where has the beauty of "modest" and "purity" gone???? Can't imagine wearing a dress like those last two.. EEP!

    Love, Sarah

  20. The first two are so beautiful, almost fairytale-ish! :) But the last ones look as if they wrapped some fabric around themselves and pinned it. :P

    Abby :D

  21. Sad! But here are a few good ones..
    Abigail Wright Designs
    Beautifully Modest
    and if one just HAD to have strapless, there are some glorious ones at Rosa Clara Bridal. They are so delicately done, with heaps of inspiration in each. Not like the "oh, another white gown..let's change the tiniest detail we can" thing that goes on.

  22. Oh my! So sad and yet tis SO true!

    I ran across a quote once that reads,

    n the past it took an entire sheep to cloth a woman, but now a silkworm can do it on his lunch hour...' ~Unknown

  23. Hm, since I am getting married in August I have seen the horrors out there for brides-to-be.

    Once a symbol of purity, now just another form of blatant nakedness.

    I am getting my dress custom made by a seamstress!!

    God bless,
