Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our Swing Dance - Video Clip

A short video clip showing some swing dancing from our recent Retro Themed Homeschool Dance.
We are all having an absolutely wonderful time - as you can probably tell by the smiles on our faces! :^)


  1. WOW! That looks so hard! I can't even begin to imagine being able to do that!


  2. Oh oh oh! I kept making little longing noises all the way through the clip, my sisters hanging over my shoulder the while. . .

    That looks indescribably, wonderfully, delightfully superb.
    Thanks so much for sharing - though it's almost torture to watch! ;)


  3. Oh dear - now you've done it!
    I suppose the next event Kellie and I will try to pull together is a retro dance;)
    Thanks for sharing!!=)


  4. WOW! So much fun I am sure Atlanta! World War 2 reenacting has been calling my families names for a while! Swing dancing would be so much fun! sometimes Virginia reels and such can get boring! :)

  5. Hey, I recognize some HSAers in there! NEATO. Your from Oregon then, right? Do ever go the big EDC balls called/taught by Laura Plett and Sonia Arp???

  6. thanks everyone! :^) I so wish everyone lived closer so yall could all come to our next dance!!

    Michaela - there were quite a few HSAers there, but we are from Texas, actually. :^) Never been to those dances, but I've heard of them, and they sound really fun! :^)

  7. I left a comment (so time ago) about a creation apologetics conference my family is hosting at our church. We have the dates set and the speakers lined up. You can see more information here:

    In Christ,
    Johanna Kautt

  8. Hey Atlanta! I'm commenting to invite you to participate in the Delving Into Dickens blog party that I'm hosting on our blog! I'd love to get as many people as I can participating, and I thought of you!

  9. I've put a link to your blog on my "awesome blogs" page!

  10. Hey, I was wondering if you could help me create an html code for my blog buttons with the little scrolly box like you have under your blog button.

    I tried to find instructions online but I can't get it to work. I thought you might be able to help me. : )


  11. Jane - i tried to comment on your blog, but it wouldn't let me give you the html code. Can you email me?

  12. WOW! Looks like sooo much fun! I do ECD here in Oregon (taught/called by Laura Plett), but I've never done swing before.

    I really enjoy coming to your blog, as I sew a little and I adore 1940's fashions.

    One thing I was wondering, was if you could do a tutorial on how to do pin curls. That sounds ridiculous, but my sister and I have tried them and they never work (grrr!)!

    Anyway, happy blogging!


  13. Megan, a pincurls tutorial is in the works! :^)
