Monday, April 11, 2011

Homeschool Cotillion and 1950s Dress

This past weekend 3 of my siblings and I (and Rebecca!) attended a Homeschool Cotillion, a formal dinner and dance.

It was lots of fun! Some of the dances and music were a bit more modern that I prefer, but it was great just being with friends!

The tables were all decorated with international themes...

Isn't Aspen cute? Her dress looked so pretty (I actually bought a dress for once! lol) and her curly hair was bee-u-tee-ful.

After the cotillion, some of our number (no names shall be mentioned....) were determined to get ice cream, so we all caravaned over to Brahms....aaand they were closed, then to Sonic....closed. Then to IHOP..... you guessed it. So, finally we found Whataburger - open! so, there we are at midnight sipping chocolate shakes. It was awesome. ;-)

Now, for you seamstresses who will be interested in the dress details,

it was made from this 1953 pattern:

Top material is pale blue cotton voile, under layer is vintage blue duponi satin. Sash is a pink organza ribbon. Oh, and the necklace is pink freshwater pearls on a silver strand. My very favorite piece of jewelry. :^)
The skirt was really fun - 2 full circles! Great for twirling!

the only back view picture I had...

On Sunday we had an even lovelier time riding/hiking around our friend's ranch, and visiting a bit more before heading back home.

That's one huge rock.

So thankful for the wonderful weekend and for safe traveling! :^)


  1. How fun to sew up such a lovely classic gown! great job Atlanta! I wish we had more homeschool dances here. :) that would be fun! I believe your sister is wearing a skirt that I own in your photos going to your friends ranch. love that skirt!

    In Christ

  2. How fun! It must be so wonderful to have dances to attend?!?!

    Your dress is breath taking!!! You did an outstanding job! :) You look very lovely. :)

    Aspen is very beautiful! Her hair is so lovely. And her dress is really pretty to. :)

    Hope your having a great week! :)


  3. The dress was pretty when you showed it to me on the hanger, but YOU made it gorgeous, Atlanta! :) Most beautiful!

  4. What lovely dresses. What material did you use on your dress, and how did you hem it? I just loved that pattern.

    It looks like a good time was had by all. Thank you for sharing.

  5. thank you all for your lovely comments!

    Miss Linda,

    the dress material is cotton voile. The hem is just a normal turned hem, but before hemming I did have to let the bias parts of the skirt stretch all they were going to (by hanging the dress up for a week) then trimming the hem even again and finishing.

  6. That sounds so fun! I love your dress. You look gorgeous in it!

  7. Lovely dress! I like 1950's fashion. :)

  8. Ooo... I love your dress! I want one now. :)

