Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Potatoes from the Garden

Lately we've been enjoying delicious new potatoes from our garden!

Stockton, Carolina and I search for potatoes...
These are our raised 'lasagna beds', and the potatoes, instead of being dug out of  the dirt, were planted earlier this spring in a bed of thick straw. We first heard of this method from the wonderful 'Homestead Blessings' DVDs taught by our Tennessee friends the West ladies....

See - I'm simply pushing the straw out of the way to see if there is a potato big enough to eat...
So easy, and they aren't even dirty!

Aren't they the prettiest shade of pink?

These potatoes, combined with fresh milk from our cow Bossy, garlic, and other goodies, made a scrumptious creamy soup. :)


  1. Those look wonderful! Alas, it has been too wet to garden here. My garden beds are mud. Lasagna beds . . . I am definitely going to have to learn about those. :D

  2. YUM! I can't wait for fresh produce from our garden.. unfortunately we have to wait because of the frost that hit us a bit late...
    That is a neat idea using the straw!

  3. We've gotten some purple potatoes from our garden. :)



  4. Last year we tried the West ladies way of planting potatoes... we got a few! :) And that soup sounds sooo good!


  5. I'm so looking forward to harvesting our potatoes...they are only little spuds yet!
    And a nice creamy soup sounds so good...we had pizza here tonight :)
    Isn't harvesting stuff from the garden so wonderful?
