Friday, August 26, 2011

What I've Been Sewing...

So, what have I been up to lately? Sewing. Sewing until I can't see straight late into the evening.
The summer didn't go exactly as I had forseen, so I'm crunching for time, getting ready for the Jane Austen Convention where I will have a booth selling Regency attire.

I don't have acutal pictures for you, but I've been doing quite a few replicas, inspired by Regency era films, so here are some pictures of my inspirations to tide you over....:)

A reproduction of Anne's pale blue apron front dress.
In my size too.....which means I may just have to keep it to wear myself.....

This late regency dress, circa 1827-29, according to Janet Arnold, was a fun project! I got the idea from an roll of vibrant silk plaid that has been sitting in my fabric stash unused for several years. Yes! this is the perfect opportunity to make an outrageously pretty dress with it. So far I've made a mock-up (which turned out just lovely, if I do say so myself) in yellow cotton print. Before the convention, I hope to get the silk version completed.

One of the quickest types of Regency dresses are one-layer sheer dresses with long sleeves, that fasten in back with drawstrings:

One in navy blue cotton lawn,

Two others in chocolate brown.

So far I have 11 dresses made that are ready to sell in the booth.
My goal is to have at least 20 minimum by October, God willing .:)
+ various undergarments and accessories which I have made a fairly good start on as well.

 There are also 3 other dresses of various descriptions which I haven't yet decided if I am going to sell or wear myself....:)

I feel a bit like this right now:

Somewhat tired, and ready for a good night's sleep. :)


  1. Good luck, Atlanta! I can't wait to see all of your pretty creations.

  2. Oh my - you poor thing! I've been sewing till I can't see straight on some orders as well. So fun;)

    Your booth will be amazing - I just wish I could see it in person! The inspiration photos are so tantalizing... I adore that plaid Molly gown.

    I think I need to get some sleep, as well... that last photo has me laughing hysterically:) Sleep well!

  3. Hi Atlanta,

    These projects sound exciting!
    I can't wait to see pictures. :)


  4. Hey there! I can't wait to see some pictures. It would be hard to decided which to keep and which to sell.... :D I am praying for the upcoming convention and that you do well! Love you, Rebecca

  5. I can't wait to see what all you've created!

    That's to bad your being crunched for time. I know exactly how that is. All summer long my cousins have been deciding they need new civil war dresses 4 days before the event. With my mom being sick lately and all the food preserving that comes with summer I've been super rushed. Not a fun feeling. :P Anyway 20 dresses?!?!? That's just shocking! lol I can't imagine!

    Never the less I've been thinking about HCIF alot. I'm not sure if I've made anything that will be suitable for the catorgories so I guess that means its time to work on somethings. :D I'm so excited! :) I've never took part in anything like this before...

  6. I awarded you on my blog. =)
