Monday, February 2, 2015

The Beginning of a New Blog

I am back at long last to say...this is my last post here. The reason it has been so quiet in this space for many months, is I have been in the process of creating a new blog that Jordan and I can share - all about our day to day life and homestead projects. It is named after our log home and homestead - Winshaw.

 I will be posting there about my sewing projects and historical clothing, along with my new adventures being a wife and mother. Jordan's many interests and projects will also find space there as we continue to finish out our house and farm! (p.s. - Story of a Seamstress will not be deleted - you may reference the posts here at any time. :) 

We are super excited to have a space where we can write together, and have all sorts of plans for things we want to do in the next few months preparing for our new baby, spring planting, and house improvements!

Thank you so much to everyone who has followed along with my sewing & life adventures in this space! Please come join us at our new location!


  1. Oh, I love your new site!!! It's so lovely! I'll definitely be following along!

  2. Your new website looks lovely. I can't wait to see what God has in store for the next year, and this new "chapter" in your life.
