Saturday, February 20, 2010

1941 Wedding Ensemble

This weekend Mom and I made the find of a lifetime at an estate sale. 1941 wedding dress, shoes, slip, gloves, stockings, and veil! All so beautiful and in such wonderful condition. The bride must have always treasured and carefully kept each piece.

The dress has a classic early 40s sillouette with the gathers at the bust and the extremely fitted waist. It has the most amazing 5-foot train that swishes and flows like you wouldn't believe. The cream satin fabric looks brand new and the darker cream lace at the neckline is so beautiful and delicate.

The veil is such a cute little 'bonnet' style. It's so long and lovely. I felt like a princess!

Simply elegant heels. Unfortunately, they didn't fit.

I just listed it for sale in my Etsy store. I felt like I wanted to keep it, but its really not a style I would wear at my wedding. It is such a special collection that I'm sure someone would love to wear it on their own special day.

For all pictures see my photobucket album.


  1. You're going to make such a beautiful bride, my friend!!! Someday...... :)

    What an amazing find!!!!

  2. Yes what a gorgeous find!! I am curious how much you had to pay for it. I bet it was a steal and yes you are beautiful in this dress! so lovely!

  3. haha - well I'd rather not say actually. I'll just say that it was more than we were used to paying for vintage stuff - but I think it is definatey worth alot more.

  4. The buttons down the back are lovely... and so is the lace. THat really is an amazing find!

  5. I love a good estate sale, yard sale, thrift store... ah, heavenly - especially when you find an unexpected treasure! What an amazing find!

  6. Oh, wow!! For a minute there you scared me! I didn't read the title all the way and just saw the pictures. Yikes, what a heart attack. ;) lol
    It is a really pretty dress and I love the bonnet type veil! Bonnets are so much fun any way. :)
    That ought to sell for quite a lot and I hope it does.
    Love you tons!

  7. oopsm forgot my name.. *rolls eyes*

  8. ooh! That is beautiful! It looks a lot like my grandma's wedding dress which was made close to the same year. =] Beautiful Pictures!

  9. That fabric looks hot. And, for being in the midst of a war at that time, there sure is a lot of fabric on that dress. However, it is very lovely, and you look lovely in it:)
