Friday, February 5, 2010

The (New) Old Days

You know - sometimes everyday life really doesn't seem that far removed from the 19th century.
Today we began the day at six-thirty. By seven thirty we had the pickup - oops! I mean the carriage - stuck deep in mud. After that little adventure my brother and I walked the 3-mile round trip of muddy dirt road to fetch the mail. (including a bundle of delicious brown wool that finally arrived!) When we got back I rested by the woodstove and did a little handsewing - while listening to my sister's minute-by-minute report on the status of our milkcow, Betsy. (her calf is due any second now!) In the afternoon I did the initial bodice fitting on my new blue wool plaid work/day dress. Until I was called away to grind the wheat to make the piecrust for our supper of venison and vetetable pot-pie.

Now - I can't see how it could be very far-fetched to say that a day like that could easily have been pulled from the pages of history?
 I love it and thank God every day for life in the country!


  1. What a lovely day you had!
    And the mention of your new dress makes me just a wee bit jealous - plaid and blue!!?? and wool!! How fun, I can't wait for reenactments to start!

  2. I can't wait for reenactments either! Although - somehow - I don't think I'll be wanting to wear my wool dress at Jefferson! lol.

  3. How fun! I miss y'all alot! Are you going to Pleasant Hill?

  4. Hi Atlanta! I miss you folks! I trust everything is going well. Can't wait to see your new dress. We're hoping to go to Jefferson too -- except we're going to try to stay at a hotel (in honor of our anniversary). Hope to see you there!

  5. Rebecca - no, we can't make it to Pleasant Hill. :^( Are yall?

    Amy - I miss you too! I would love to see you guys at Jefferson. How much fun to get to stay in a hotel!

  6. Indeed your day does seem to be pulled from an 1860's letter! I love the country life as well, wouldn't trade it for anything!

    Mrs. G

  7. I don't know if we are or aren't! I really wanna go to Jefferson but I have a recital that weekend. Maybe I can skip it! :) I don't know, I just really want to go to a reenactment ASAP! I'm suffering for want of authentic fun...*sigh*

  8. Really cute! Sounds like y'all had quite a lovely old fashioned day. Which brother was with you? When is the Jefferson event? Do I need to get some business cards made up soon? Hope y'all are having some more fun old fashioned day.. I my self am working on some sewing today.. better get back to it! ;)
    Love and miss all of you guys!!!
    Love and hugs, Sarah

  9. Ahh!! Jefferson - it had better happen this year with you all! I'm sure we're going, as it's so close. I have a wedding the Sat afternoon but I should make it back in time for the ball :). Oh, a hotel would be such fun...
    How about Beaumont Ranch in March? Anyone going? It's coming up soon though we haven't talked about it yet. We would definitely consider it if you all go!

  10. FG - yes! business cards would be good!

    Lydia - Ugh! don't even remind me of that horrible occurence last spring! That was probably one of the worst times of my life....
    It must work out this year. Must.

    We are definately considering Beaumont. Does it work out with ya'lls schedule?

  11. Ok, I will try to get some worked up.. have you come across any cute.. oh shoot, my brain went blank.. any cute pic things that I could put on them? If not I will just browse through whatever is on the computer and see what I have.. What is a good name? I thought about Sarah's Emporium.. ;) lol Any ideas??? I am out...

  12. Yes, as far as I know Beaumont does work in our schedule... We haven't talked about it and I don't know what my dads work schedule would look like. But I really think it should work. I'm sure we'll go if you all do!! Let us know, and I won't book anything that weekend :). And it's just a month away - oh that would be grand!!! I'm going to talk to the family right now...
    I'm going to reply to your email soon... I promise!
