Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Beaumont Ranch Reenactment

I would like to share a few photos of our most recent reenacment event - Beaumont Ranch...
It was so much fun - the warm weather was amazing. After this harsh winter, even getting a sunburn again was amazing. Sorry I don't have many pictures of the ball! It's rather hard to take pictures while dancing....

"Why you don't say?!"

A 'blizzard' struck on the way home....


  1. Looks like fun! I've always wanted to do reenacting.

  2. Oh what fun! I love seeing pictures from other reenactors events! My sister and my parents are going to one in 2 weeks and we are frantically sewing up last minute projects for the event and fixing and repairing our dresses and such. Great photos and beautiful dresses Atlanta!

  3. YEA!! I was SO excited to see reenactment pictures... They are all so great (we need to get pics from you and the Roberts, we really hardly took many). You're captions are great ;)
    Lovely, lovely times :D. SO excited about Jefferson!

  4. That blue sky is beautiful!!! All the dresses look great!
