Monday, March 8, 2010

Regency Dress and Featured on Ruffles and Stuff!

How sweet! My pink linen ruffled skirt was a featured entry on Ruffles and Stuff!
There are so many other lovely entries featured! I wish Disney good luck in deciding on the winners. It will be really tough - I can tell!

Also, I thought I would share some pictures of a recent custom order I made for an Etsy client. It is an 'apron front' style regency era dress. The pattern is one I sized up from the invaluable book Patterns of Fashion 1: 1660-1860 by Janet Arnold. It has supportive lining that crosses over and pins at the front, then the apron, or bib front buttons over it. Ties attached to the apron are looped around the back through tiny 'belt loops' and then brought to the front and tied underneath the apron front.

It is similar to the style of Ann's pale blue dress in Persuasion....

The first time I sized the pattern up - I made a pattern in my size. It fits excellently with my regency short stays from the Sense and Sensibility pattern. See more pics here.

A really neat feature is the long sleeves can button in and out of the shorter sleeves!
Some day - when I find just the right reproduction fabric, I will make myself a regency dress to keep. I love the style of that time period.


  1. Wow, you are so talented! They look like they could be made for the BBC. ;)

  2. I love your chemisette and the fabric for your dresses.
