Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yet Another Regency Wedding...

Slightly different style of dress than the last one. Lightly gathered cream duponi silk bodice with waistband - trimmed, overlaid, etc with white cotton voile. I think my favorite part is the ruched/ruffled trim around the neckline. I also like how the colors of cream and white softly contrast each other. Also for sale on Etsy.

Now I'm off to make something slightly less fun....
3 white shirts-on-the-square for our guys reenactment wardrobe.
okay, okay. It's still fun. I like making shirts. Especially the collars and plackets.


  1. Very pretty! I love that style. =)


  2. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Jealous, jealous, jealous! Haha...can't wait to see you this weekend! :)

  3. Absolutely beautiful. Do, do you just sew these for the fun of it, or are these orders you are filling?

    Love ya! S

  4. Breathtaking!

    P.S. I tagged you! http://bramblewoodfashion.blogspot.com/2010/04/tagged.html

  5. I need to call you... I am going to need some help. I have to make 4-5 regency dresses for a movie we are making... I will probably email/call you for some help/tips....

    Love ya! S

  6. Could you tell me where you get your instructions for making historical men's shirts? I know they are pretty simple, but I would like to at least find a good picture to work from before I dive in.

  7. wow so beautiful you did a wonderful job, I especially love the back of the dress. do you use these as everyday dress ??
    Rachel hope.

  8. Hi Rachel,

    I do wear dresses most days, but not regency dresses usually. :^)
