Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Few Notes...

First of all - yesterday I realized that this little blog has 50 followers! Thank you ever so!  Sadly, my computer has a glitch and I'm not actually able to see *who* the followers are. (just the number). Sometimes I get to check on another computer, but not too often. So if you follow me, and I haven't discovered your blog yet - it's probably because I can't see it! So - sorry about that. Anyone have that same problem for blogger?

Another computer troubles note: if you have comments embedded under posts on your blog, I am not able to comment. Those pages always load up with errors for me. (my computer only lets me comment on pop-up or separate windows). So, again. If I frequent your blog, but never comment - that may be why. It's not because I'm not reading! :^)

So - my next post may be the long-awaited surprise. (and giveaway)
I'll try to hurry it up!



  1. Hey Atlanta, are you going to be participating in Make Believe after all? I just noticed the banner in your sidebar!

    And I had an idea you could check to see your blog followers- on your dashboard, there's a line that says "50 followers" - you can click that and it brings up a link. Maybe that'll work for you! :)

  2. Ooh, 50 followers!! WOW!! that is a lot... whew! Too bad you can't see them, although hopefully what Nina suggested will work! lol

    I can't wait to see the long awaited surprise!!

    I am finally getting around to following your blog.. lately our computer has been SO SLOW that is isn't fun to do much on it! lol

    Love ya, Sarah

  3. Hello Atlanta!

    This is Olivia from over at Working with Eager Hands... you won my eBook giveaway! Email me at to claim your free eBook!
    In Christ,

  4. Hi, Atlanta! I just found your blog and it's awesome:D Now you have 54 followers!
