Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Fabric! ...and dress idea

This week a dear friend came by for a catch-up visit. It was just lovely, and we had a nice luncheon of chicken (okay, turkey) salad and spinach and strawberry salad with lime dressing! Good thing the boys were gone to work. They despise those types of 'girly' meals.

Anyway - our friend brought me a bundle of fabric from her stash that she wasn't using. 14 yards of scrumptious cotton in a blue/brown print. I know it's not reproduction, but I'm thinking it's close enough to pass for 1860s. What do you think?

Blue and brown/neutral are my favorite color combinations for fabric!

My hand, for scale

What if....I trimmed the skirt with bands of solid blue? And perhaps the bodice as well? Just to brighten things up a bit? A blue grosgrain belt would look lovely too.....

A sketch of my basic thought for the dress. Since Mom has apparently taken over wearing rights of my red striped dress, I need a new everday dress that can variate between washing dishes and strolling in town. I'm thinking non-hoop length skirt with slim coat sleeves and a conservative tucked front bodice with a fitted back bodice. You like?

I'm so excited! I haven't done any 1860s sewing all summer - and I miss it!


  1. Lovely fabric! And I love your dress design!

  2. It sure will be pretty I'm looking forward to see it ready.

  3. I like! I can't tell if the fabric is correct, but it's certainly lovely and I guess it has the right "look", if not completely correct.

  4. Absolutely lovely.. I have to say I am SO jealous. LOL!! I love tha fabric and the blue trim and belt will look absolutely STUNNING!! I can't wait to see it! :) Ok, enough exclamation marks.. lol! oops..

    Any way, have fun sewing and I will look foward to pics soon. ;) =D

    Love ya! Sarah

  5. I'm not sure which I love better, the design or the material! Wow!

  6. Yes yes yes!!!! That would be perfect! Actually that is just the type of dress I need next... so great for reenacting. I just need the time and fabric. I really want a brown cotton print, I'm picturing geometric pattern. But we'll see. Maybe in time for the fall?? Ha, . I'll probably end up being jealous of you once again as I wear my same old dresses!

    Missing you...

  7. LOVELY fabric..but isn't the blue a little too bright? Maybe a teensy shade darker of trim, and yes, simply stunning! :)

  8. Kathleen, you are absolutely right! this actually isn't the blue I"m going to use; it was just on the shelf bought for another project. I will buy a blue that matches the fabric better for the actual dress.

