Friday, October 22, 2010

50s Pink Formal Dress

This is one of my famous 50 cent vintage dress. It's a beautiful candy pink chiffon with a ruched bodice and lovely neckline and sleeve draping. I love it.

Recently I've been hearing that the Awards night of the San Antonio film festival can get quite all-out formal. So - should I wear it? Or is it too much of a good thing??


  1. Bless my buttons, it's gorgeous!! And you should totally wear it for the Awards night. Oh YES. =)

  2. Oh I really, really like it!! So pretty! I think you should wear it to the awards night!

    ~Gabrielle (AnneGirl from S&S)

  3. Go for it! It's gorgeous. :)


  4. It's awesome! :)

    I was watching Belles on their Toes! (its The older cheaper by the dozen continued) and I took a few pictures of some of the girls party outfits their adoreable!

  5. That is so very lovely. Dresses like that make me wish our time era was more formal. I can just see this with elbow length gloves and pearls... and Frank Sinatra singing in the background. Ooh the loveliness!
    I have never been to SAFF, but I have seen pictures from the awards night and remember people looking quite dressed up. But that may just be the people who entered films. I think it would be fun to dress up, but it's up to you!!
    btw, you look stunning in pink... and I miss you.

  6. Definitely wear it!! I totally love it! It looks really nice on you too! We recently watched a movie where a girl wore a dress similar to that. It had that drapey thing on the back. Very nice!

    Love and miss ya! S

  7. Oh yes do wear it! Maybe with some black heels,and a string of pearls? You will be the "belle of the ball" Atlanta!

    No, we won't be able to go to the SAICFF :( Too far....I'll be thinking of you there though, having a grand time.

    Your friend, Rosie

  8. By all means wear it to the San Antonio Awards night! It's gorgeous!!


  9. ABSOLUTELY!!! You MUST wear it!!

  10. Oh, it is beautiful! I love the 50s! I think you should wear it. :-)

  11. You look beautiful in that, what a stunning vintage dress. Where did you get that for 50 cents?!

    I think you should wear it... even if it turns out that no one else is formally dressed, you would just be the coolest person there. : )

  12. Love it! Use any excuse you can take to wear it--worth it!!

  13. A 50 cent vintage dress? Really! How cool is that! It looks so very lovely on you and I definitely agree with everyone who has said to wear it! :D

    You look simply lovely in it.

    You've been tagged over on my blog, as well. :D

  14. Oh my goodness!!! That is gorgeous!! I don't know anything about the awards really, but I think you should wear it! It's a stunning dress, and it looks so good on you!

  15. Did you wear it? I hope you did! You looked very pretty in it! :) I love your profile photo too.

    Johanna Kautt
