Thursday, October 21, 2010

San Antonio Film Festival?

Is anyone attending the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival  this year? My family and I will be there! It's our first time, and I'm so excited!

Is anyone going to the Academy?


  1. Goodness! How neat! I wish I could. You'll have to let us know what it was like. :D

  2. Please spread the word about the launch of Modest-Teen Magazine, find us on facebook by typing in our name, first issue comes out on November 1st 2010 for more information contact Katie at
    the magazine is free, to subscribe email us at the email above. Thank you so much.

  3. How fun! I wish I were going!!
    My brother is currently working on the script for a film that he hopes to enter in the festival someday.
    Please let us know how the festival goes=)

  4. I really wish we could go!!!! However, I am afraid the price is a bit out of range for us right now... You will have to tell us about it, please!!
    Why are y'all going?? Just curious... lol!

    Much love and miss you!!!


  5. Sarah - It's something we've wanted to go to for a long time - and we finally decided that this was a good time to just do it! As you know we are very interested in film-making!

  6. We going! A film that my husband helped make is a semi-finalist there. It's called "Hearing God." :-D

  7. I look forward to meeting you, Natalie!
