Monday, November 22, 2010

Photos from today...

A random assortment of photos from my life today...

Fall leaves looked very pretty against the blue sky this morning.

First deer of the season! - my 'little' brother Laredo brought home a nice 8-point mule deer buck earlier this evening.

Savory dill scones. Recipe to come soon!

Sneak peek at one of the 17th costumes. (they are all completed as of this evening!!)

Hope everyone is looking forward to a lovely Thanksgiving!


  1. Ooh, lovely fall leaves!! Our leaves have been turning nicely, so I have been trying to press them whenever I get the chance (which will be ending soon as it has been FREEZING over here...)
    Ok, to tell the honest truth, I am drooling over Laredo's deer. Only because I had wanted to make some jerky this year from the venison the boys brought home, but this was their unlucky deer and they got nothing... :( Oh well!! But congrats to Laredo! Very nice buck.
    Ooh, I can't wait to see the finished dresses!! please post pictures soon!!

    Love ya!! Sarah

  2. I love autumn. It looks like you had a good day! This week of Thanksgiving will be extremely busy for my family... a little too busy. But I know I have a lot to be thankful for!

    What a great pics! I can't wait to see the finished costumes!!!

    God bless!

  3. Those fall leaves look lovely... most of ours are gone, and since we have thanksgiving in October, I'm in more of a Christmasy mood!

    I'm looking forward to seeing the finished costumes, as I'm always blown away by your talent for sewing. :)
