Saturday, November 6, 2010

San Antonio Trip Part 3


On Saturday morning we were looking forward to seeing 'The Runner from Ravenshead' as several people had been raving about how good it was. I wasn't sure what to expect - and I was very surprised. It was seriously the cutest movie I have ever seen! All the many roles are played by five siblings - and they are all so professional and serious little actors - they do a fantastic job. The storyline is a beautifully done allegory - very deep and thought provoking. The sets and location are amazing as well. We bought the DVD before leaving the festival - and plan to give more out as gifts. I highly recommend this film!! (click here to see the trailer)

On Saturday afternoon Ashely and Gabrielle from Bramblewood Fashion met up with us to explore a 3-story antique shop! It had many, many vintage clothing pieces - we had fun trying on some hats!

A vintage blow-dryer in mint condition!

Slippers and luggage.....

Mirror picture!

The boys both found WWII uniforms to buy for their airsoft wars. Cim bough an American Army Aircore, and Laredo bought a German sergent.

More walking downtown...

The meeting of the Sense and Sensibility forum ladies.
(we all wore green ribbons to recognize each other!)

All dresses up and on our way to the Award Ceremonies

Ashley and Gabrielle looked lovely in their formals!
Against the excellent advice given about the vintage pink dress, I decided to play it safe and wear the dress I  made for my graduation in 05. It's just a simple silk duponi with dropped waist and a fluffy organza petticoat. The black lace bolero I made at the last minute to cover my sad 'farmer tan'. :^)

We ended up staying for church the next morning, and then going out to eat with some new friends. It was fun - but it ended up being a really late night when we got back home!

It was a wonderful experience - and I'm looking forward to attending the SAICFF Academy and Festival next time! They are having half prices off admission for about one more week, if anyone is inerested!


  1. Hello Atlanta!! That was so much fun! I loved our time together! We are planning on going next time as well, Lord willing. I hope to see you then!


  2. Lucie,

    It was called 'Alamo Antique Mall' on 125 Broadway. :^) Have fun if you go shopping! There was also another antique shop next to it that we didn't have time to explore! :^)

  3. I LOVE the trailer for the Runner from Ravenshead!!! That looked SO good!!! Ok, whenever y'all come out, you HAVE to bring it!! :)
    Looks like you had such a grand time. I liked the 'green ribbon code' lol!! That is neat that you got to meet all those ladies!! How fun!
    Can't wait to see you sometime in January maybe!! We will look at dates..

    Love and miss you!!!! Sarah

  4. Thanks so much! Next time I go downtown.... ;)
