Monday, January 31, 2011

Wedding Dress Inspiration Gallery

One of my favorites!
Bride and bridesmaids

from dolly couture

J Crew

Princess Alice

vintage Christian Dior snagged from Etsy several years back.

from Victorian Trading Co.

a Tirelli  movie costume dress.
I love the silk bands on the skirt.

Vintage 40s lace dress 

Do you have a favorite?


  1. Those are all beautiful! I really loved the Advance pattern one, that type of forties style is just knock-out.
    Great collection!

  2. I love most of these dresses... and especially like the last one!

    So beautiful, yet modest and honorable for the virtuous bride. :)

    God bless!

  3. Hey Atlanta,
    I was wondering if you could give me the link to the website you got that last weding dress picture from?
    It's for my sister, she likes that dress better then any other she's seen, but she wont get the link because she thinks that looking at wedding dresses is too girly! And she thinks that she will find a way to mess it up on her way down the isle.

  4. Bree,

    that dress came from the shop 'Timeless Vixen Vintage' on Etsy. I don't know if she still has tha particular dress, but I know she always has a really nice selection of vintage wedding:

  5. Oh my goodness! So many modest wedding dresses!! They're all so beautiful! I'm not even sure I could pick a favorite. :-)

  6. Thanks Atlanta, now I just have to get her to look at the site.

  7. They're all so gorgeous! I especially love the first one (adorable!) and the Princess Anne painting! Beautiful!

  8. Ooh I love the one from the Victorian Trading Company, it's so breezy yet modest and bride-like. Great choices!

  9. Beautiful! Though I really want a long wedding dress, I love the fourth one down. :)


  10. I like the vintage forties, the vintage Dior, and the last one. *Sigh* Now all I need is a groom. lol :)

    I like how you followed up your "rant" with a list of GOOD options! :) Uplifting!

  11. I love the JCrew dress and the Simplicity pattern from the 50's.

  12. Oh I love almost all of them!! Tho i must say that 40's lace one is absolutely breathtaking!

  13. Very nice! My favorite is the one in the second picture, the one with a bride and bridesmaids. I love those huge dresses! I also liked the J Crew one, though I would probably want to add something to it. It's very plain, but also modest, which I like.

  14. My favorite is the fifth picture (the painting of the soldier and his bride), my next favorite is the last picture. The soldier's bride dress is particularly modest and would be the pattern I would choose for myself!

    I'm sure it took a lot of searching for you to locate these pictures. Thank you for taking the time to post these.

    Another example of a lovely, modest wedding gown is the design chosen by Princess Grace of Monaco. That has always been a personal favorite of mine.

  15. JCrew dresses are my absolute favorite. I love the elegant simplicity. All these vintage ones are just lovely too!

  16. My favorite is the first one. What brand is that one? I love to plan what my wedding dress will look like (I still young and not yet ready for the Lord to pen my love story yet)but I would love to know where that dress is from? Do you have a link to that one?

    Thank you! I don't have a blog, so maybe you could answer in a comment?
    God bless!

  17. I like the very first one and the J Crew one.

    I see a pattern here... Are you getting married? :P

  18. Hi there! the first wedding dress picture was from the picture website pinterest. I think it was a J Crew dress.

    Kautts - haha! No, I'm not getting married. I just starting thinking about the dress issue lately because I've been seeing all the designers coming out with their srping 2011 collections. :^)

  19. Thanks so much! Another to add to my collection! =)

  20. In the wedding more the things which are concentrated are the pictures and hence we can have lot of photographs in the marriage. And all the dresses are superb.

  21. Ooohhh...I loved the vintage Christian Dior dress until I saw the 40's lace - and I'm NOT a lace lover! But it is simply gorgeous! Love the train of that one! They're both so pretty.

  22. I like most of them, but the simple JCrew one speaks to me the most - I believe all of its elements would work for me - the boatneck neckline, the length of the sleeves, the shape of the skirt... and the simplicity.
