Wednesday, February 2, 2011

1940s Inspiration

In a couple of weeks, we will be hosting a 1940s-50s theme dance. I'm trying to pull together an early-mid 1940's look. Here are a few pictures that have been inspiring me....

Olivia de Havilland
This is the type of hairstyle I will be attemping....
with the help of homemade hair setting lotion (recipe coming soon)
and the book 'Vintage Hairstyling' by Lauren Rennells

40s street fashions


  1. Cute inspiration pics! Remember, shoes with an ankle strap stay on your feet better for dancing! Can't wait to see pics from the event.

  2. How nice! I can't wait to see the hairstyle!

  3. Homemade setting lotion! I need a recipe for that. :) I've started setting my hair lately and it's turning out well, except I don't have setting lotion and have to use hair gel instead. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

    By the way, not trying to sound self-promotional or anything, but if you go to my site ( and click on "1940s" there are a bunch of links that may help you. :)

  4. A 1940's-50's dance - that sounds like so much fun!!
    I LOVE the picture of Olivia, and her hairstyle!

  5. I love the last picture! I wish mor people dressed like that still!

  6. Miss Virginia,

    thank you soo much for the link! I'm on your site right now and it's great! Thanks!


  7. I'm working on a 40s dress now--it's fun! A 40s/50s dance sounds fantastic--enjoy!

  8. Lovely pictures! And I look forward to see your hair!

  9. The dance sounds lovely - I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the event, as well as the hairstyle you achieve!
    Olivia is so darling:)

  10. I wanna come so bad! :D I have thought about hosting the same sort of dance, but then I looked up the dances from the era...(sock hop, rockabilly, etc) and was grossed out. I adore the costumes, but the other...eeeick. Are you going to have Civil War dances, or the correct period dances? Are there good ones (ie, not shake around like having convulsions and flip your skirt, ahem, too high) that would be appropriate? I would appreciate you posting what you do! ;) Looking forward to seeing pictures especially!!!

  11. Kathleen,

    you should come! lol! It's going to be a blast!

    We are going to be doing 1860s ballroom, ECD (english country dancing) as well as 1940-ish swing dancing. I guess I haven't seen the weird type of dances you are talking about - but the type of swing dancing we are doing is very safe and family-friendly. I'm pretty new to it all - but it's great fun so far!

    I'll definately be doing a post on the dance and all.
