Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mexia Reenactment Weekend 2011

This past weekend we attended a reenactment at Mexia, Tx and had a wonderful time seeing old friends, and introducting new friends to the hobby.

The girls.

The guys.

Notice the numbers?
I think we totally could have done a quick musical performance of '7 Brides for 7 Brothers.' lol.

Breakfast - scrambled eggs, bisquits and gravy

The guys got called over for roll call when they had just filled their plates with breakfast. But, the lieutenant was kind and said they could eat while in formation. This made me laugh.

Cim was made a Corporal for the weekend, as there were no other officers from the 7th Texas Dismounted present. He was glad to be able to command his own little group, and they went out to drill that morning before the battle, in which they played a very important part.

The 7th Texas boys under their battle flag.

A scrumptious luncheon.

It's become a tradition for us to go on 'midnight walks' in the moonlight on Friday and Saturday nights.
We always have a grand time visiting, snapping surprise pictures, and playing pranks!
The goodies all of us girls had brought didn't last long with so many hungry Confederates in our camp.....

The Confederate Reunion Grounds at Mexia have some gorgeous scenery.

A huge 12-player game (plus teams) of croquet after lunch on Saturday.

Our group ready for the dancing to begin!


A moment of prayer before the battle on Sunday.

Brother portraits after the battle:

It was a truly wonderful weekend - hands down best reenactment to date. :^)


  1. Makes me want to go to the next reenactment in May now!!! You all always look so nice and authentic and I love how you all played croquet as well as the pictures of you cooking breakfast. I love the big cast iron skillets! :) I thoroughly enjoyed the photos! It would be so much fun to go to an event down there in Texas with you all sometime. Maybe next time I visit my grandparents in the big state. :)

    In Christ,

  2. Looks like so much fun! I wish I lived in Texas just so I could go reenactments y'all are at. lol All the neat events seem to be down there... :) Anyway y'all look really outstanding. Its so nice to see accurately dressed poeple. ;) And the picture of the guys eating during roll call is so funny. :D

    I'm glad you had such a good time. :) And I hope your having a fantastic day. :)


  3. Fun blog post, Atlanta! I'm so glad we got to come! It had been waaay to long! Hope we can do it again soon, and hopefully have a sewing week or somethin' too! :-) Good memories!

  4. I love the print of your dress! I can't wait for our first event next week.

  5. Ack! I wish I'd known, I haven't been to a reenactment in ages! And one within driving distance, too! Those are some wonderful pictures, it looks like it was a fabulous weekend.

  6. Oh, that looks like SOOOO much fun!!! We have GOT To get together for a sewing weekend so that I can make myself a dress (or two ;) and attend one of those reenactments! They look like loads of fun! :)

    Glad y'all had a good time. Definitely loved the idea of eating while standing up in line. Pretty funny. Oh, and what happened to Laredo?? Well, didn't look too bad since he was smiling. ;)

  7. Great pictures! I was in the 18th century this weekend, so I can only say--hope your re-entry into this century was ok :) It's so hard to leave friends and a beautiful location!

    Love the breakfast shots--there have been times I've chased our guys down with a plate of zucchini bread on their way to morning formation!

  8. Ahh you're making me homesick for reenacting season to start! Oh and I just saw a production of "7 Brides for 7 Brothers". Great musical.

  9. Thank you so very much for sharing such a wonderful time! I truly enjoyed all the photographs.

  10. Hi!
    Your site with photo's I found by accident while looking up Garibaldi.
    Your drssmaking skill's are awesome and may they long continue.
    Regards Clay Willey
