Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thoughts needed!!

In the next few days I am going to be interviewing a professional film costume designer from Europe for the upcoming Historical Costume Inspiration Festival. (needless to say - I'm so excited!!!!) Now, now. Don't ask who it is! That simply won't be revealed until the festival week! In the meantime....

 I have an ongoing list of questions to ask - but I also wanted to know about you. What would you like to know? Do you have any questions for her? Let me know and I might include them in my interview!!


  1. I might ask...
    Do you consider it more important to get a costume historically accurate, or to get it to fit a character's personality? Where is the emphasis when choosing costumes?

    I'm sure you can word it better than that, but you know what I mean.

  2. I second Jane's Q and then, what would she do to make historically accurate (or at least look like) costumes when your pockets aren't very full? ;) In other words, does she have any tips/tricks to get around the expensive stuff without looking farby?

    Thanks!!! Is she from SA??

    Love, Sarah

  3. What's your favorite and least favorite: steps, costume pieces, etc... when creating costumes for movies.

    Eee! I'm so excited! :)

  4. If you need paintings for sewing ideas, you can go to my other blog You might be able to type in "painting-inspired sewing," or "paining inspired dressing" on my and see a series I did last year on using paintings of the 1800's as models for sewing.


  5. I would like to know where she goes to get inspiration :)
