Monday, June 28, 2010

Announcing the Historical Costume Inspiration Festival!

Have you ever dreamt of recreating that beautiful dress in your favorite painting? Or that stunning ball gown from the latest costume drama? What about that chic retro 40s suit?

Announcing – the Historical Costume Inspiration Festival!

Now is the perfect time to work on that costume project! Have it ready by the week of October 3rd – then dress up and do some beautiful photo shoots. Prepare your own blog post including pictures of your creation, tell what exactly inspired you (pictures if applicable are best), and description of materials and methods. During the event you will be able to enter your post into the link pool so everyone can enjoy seeing the lovely creations!


1. Your costume must be inspired by a particular source. A painting, movie, museum dress, character, book passage, etc.  You may enter as many costumes as you wish.

2. It must have at least some grounding in historical fashion (Ancient times –1960s) but this can mean not only exact historical reproductions, but also fantasy costumes, modern twists, combinations of time periods – whatever you can imagine.

3. You must post one of the following buttons on your blog sidebar or website if you wish to participate. (for those that don’t have a blog, don't worry about it. I will have a Flickr group for you to add photos!)

Note: you can participate using costumes you have sewn previously.

You can enter full costumes, or just a piece (shoes, hat, apron, corset, etc). Doll costumes or miniature costumes are also acceptable.

The event will wrap up in a final festive week, where we all showcase our various costume creations and are completely awed and encouraged by all the wonderful new inspiration for further sewing projects! I will have a linky here on my blog, so everyone will be able to see each and every beautiful costume. During that week I will be featuring fun posts, my favorite costumes, guest giveaways, movie reviews, and interviews with professional costume designers!

Rebecca of Sewing in the Past will be contributing special guest posts!

Also, Rebecca and I will award the three costume creations that we judge represent the….

-Most Creative/original

-Best Reproduction

-Best Photo Shoot

I am very excited about this new event! Comment and let me know if you will be participating, and if you have any questions! I'd also love to hear any ideas you might have!

Below are a variety of buttons for you to choose. Use them to link to this post.



Bramblewood Fashion said...

This sounds like so much fun! I am so joining in!

Marian said...

What a great event! I'm really excited, and I will try to have at least one entry! :)

Esther said...

Maybe if I am bold enough, and the current project that I am working on is finished. I will be joining in as well.

GentlewomanThief said...

How exciting - I've been looking for an excuse to make something pretty and historical and costumey, since I lack events to go to! I'm going to at least endeavour to make something for the festival. What a great idea :D

Sarah W said...

Sounds like fun, great initiative! I'll see what I can come up with...

Little Ladybug said...

Dear Atlanta,

Wow! This looks like it would be very fun to participate in!

By all means count me in!

By the way I love your blog..


Hannah Elise.

Alexandra said...

Just in time for the "Think of Me" gown I'm reproducing...I'm so excited! Count me in!

SisterlyLove said...

OOh!! This sounds like SO much fun! I delight in "inspired by" costumes!
I very much hope I'll be able to join in the fun! Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! Count me in. :-)
(I'm Mimi83 on the Sensibility forum, by the way. *Waves hi*)

Allison said...

Hello Atlanta!

What a great idea! I'd love to do this! Lovely blog!


Zho Zho said...

I love this idea, and I will be trying my best to have something to enter.

Zho Zho said...

Just one question I am not sure how to put your button on my blog. I am new to blogging and still have lots to learn. Heyelp

Atlanta said...

Zho Zho,

Save the button you want on to your computer, then go to 'design' on blogger. Choose 'add gadget' in your sidebar, choose 'picture' and upload the button you saved. Set the link as:

that's it! :^) Please let me know if you need any more help! I know these things can be confusing at first.

Unknown said...

This is good timing, i have just started making an 18th century dress inspired by a film so i will maybe enter that. :) I have a blog, but on my blog it only talks about how i made the dress whereas i poost finished photos on my flickr account, so should i just add them to the group you said that you would have on flickr, or shall i send the link to my blog?

Atlanta said...


I'm so excited that you will be participating! I was looking at your blog at the gorgeous chemise de la reine dresses! Ah!

Well - it's really up to you about blog post/flickr. (you could do both, in fact!) If you wanted to post some pictures on your blog, you could also link to other posts you may have done about the dress construction (which is always of interest to fellow seamstresses)

Really - it's whatever is best for you. :^) Good luck on the dress! I love 18th Century!

Maggie said...

What a wonderful idea, Atlanta...I hope to enter something.
One question ~ when reproducing a dress, shall I try and find fabric to match the original or just reproduce the style/dress/outfit itself?
Thanks for hosting this event!

Atlanta said...

Maggie -

Entirely up to you! As long as you have a particular inspiration(s) - anything goes. :^)

Best of luck on your project! Can't wait to see it! --Atlanta

Hana - Marmota said...

So I'm officially entering! I've loved this idea for a while, but I wasn't sure whether I should try or not, with my slow pace of sewing... well, now I think October 3rd is doable. :-)
I'd love to enter the soutached "national" Czech jacket from 1848 I've been craving, but I don't think I'd manage that... so it will probably be something Regency-inspired. Or my medieval dress!

Atlanta said...

All your ideas sound lovely, Hana! I'm so glad you are planning to join the fun!

Natalie L. said...

Oh how I wish I could! There's an outfit, (hobbit inspired) that I've been wanting to make, but I don't think I could afford the fabric. Happy sewing to everyone!!

Atlanta said...

Hobbit inspired?! Wow. Talk about great inspiration. How. Much. Fun.

I'm in the same boat - I have several dresses that are waiting on funds... :^)

Good luck! do let me know if you do the hobbit dress - I would love to see it!

Rowenna said...

Oooh! If I have my peacock 1930s gown done then, I'll enter with that! And if not...perhaps my already-made 1780 walking gown. It could use a good photo shoot :)

Atlanta said...

How fun! Both the dresses sound lovely! I'm so glad you will be participating!

Rosie said...

Hi there Atlanta,
I would love to enter ( if I have the time ), but I do have one question. I never put links on my side bar, I have a separate page for links, blog events, etc. Is it okay with you if I post it there ?

You have a lovely blog, and are a great seamstress, btw :)

Have a beautiful day,

Atlanta said...

Hi Rosie!

Yes, that will be perfectly fine!

thanks! --A.

Kellie said...

Hello, Atlanta!

I discovered your blog only recently, and I wanted to let you know how inspiring I've found it already! I am very impressed with your entrepreneurial endeavors. . . Your sewing is wonderful!

What a fabulous event! I'll have to see if I can get something together in time to participate. . . =) If so, I would love to join in!



Atlanta said...

Welcome, Kellie!

That is wonderful that you are thinking about participating! I hope you can! :^)

I was just reading your profile - and it sounds like we have a lot of the same interests!


Aurora said...


I would love to participate in this event! I have one question though, since I have already done a blog post about the costume piece I'd like to enter (my Bella Wilfer dress), would I have to make another post about it? Or can I use the one I already have?

All the best,

Atlanta said...

Hi Aurora,

So glad you will be particitpating! I am a huge fan of your costumes!

About the blog post - it's just up to you. The blog post you already made is perfectly fine - but you can make another if you wish. :^)

Thanks -- Atlanta

Kellie said...


I've made a few costumes that should work nicely. . . now to find time to stage a photo shoot;)

Yes, I think we have quite a few things in common! I loved to read about your reenacting adventures. I would love to do that some day with my family, though unfortunately, reenactments are rather rare where I live - Lewis and Clark Rendezvous are the next best thing!

I have recently opened my blog to the public, and I would be delighted to have you stop by! It is so encouraging to 'meet' so many like-minded young ladies out in the blogosphere - It's good to know we're not alone=)

Have a lovely day!

Kronmakaren said...

Hello again Atlanta. Kronmakaren is now up and ready for the festival. So visit my blog and see my post for the festival. Since I´m not that experienced in blogging and linking them I thought it best to have it ready by now. I will be away a few days when the festival starts. You have my adress! And thanks again for a fantastic event, it will be much fun to see everybody.
Kronmakaren i Sweden

Hannah Kingsley said...

I recently finished a costume that I made for the Renniasance faire, so hopefully I will be able to enter a picture as soon as I have the photos uploaded in a couple of days!! ~ Hannah

Edwina Sutherland said...

Sounds like a fun challenge! I'm making 1812 costumes this spring, but this gives me permission to do something for myself.!!


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