Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Clue...

A few teaser pictures of one of my current projects.

Recent fabric acquisition - vintage ecru/silver brocade labeled 'Camelot'.

The full story shall be told (with lots of pictures and pattern tips) during the Historical Costume Inspiration Festival.

Until is a clue. The dress takes inspiration from a humorous Medieval movie. Can you guess?


  1. The Princess's her wedding dress, right? :)

  2. I LOVE the beautiful fabric! Can't wait to see what it is...


  3. Excellent guess! Yep. That is the one!

  4. How cool. Is this for you to wear or for the shop?

  5. For me. *grin* Though I might eventually list it in the shop as a custom item example.

  6. The only hilarious medieval film I could think of was "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"... I think it's the Camelot part, it reminded me of it and then I couldn't get it out of my head.

    The wedding dress from Princess Bride sounds fantastic - I can't wait to see your version! That fabric looks wonderful.

  7. Princess Bride!!! How exciting! That is exactly what I thought when you said, "humorous medieval movie".. lol!! I can't wait to see it! Medieval has got to be my favorite time period for costumes...


    I am still trying to think of what in the world I could do to enter in your fashion thing!

  8. This is awesome!
    My first time to your site and i LOVE it!I love to sew, and it's about time i found a good costume/for fun sewing site. Gorgeous fabric and love the dress already! :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Fiddlin Girl - what indeed? What about some of those beautiful knitted items (including my shawl) that you did from historical patterns? Hmm? I simply won't tolerate you NOT being in the contest - it's unthinkable! Oh, and hey - I'm going to call you soon! :^)

    Jayne, thank you so much, and welcome! I was just looking at your blog too and it looks lovely! Great photography and recipes!

  10. Ahhh, this looks gorgeous! =D I absolutely love, love, love the fabric.
