Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Sewing Space

If you remember, last December I rearranged my bedroom, and promised to show pictures of my sewing area soon as I got it organized as well. Well - here it is.
My sewing machine, main fabric shelf, and armoire where I hang finished garments.
When I'm sewing, there is usually an iron and ironing board nearby (both vintage, of course :)

Behind my sewing machine used to be a huge piled basket of mending and repairs that had been there for years. It was quite in the way - so I finally decided it was time for it to go, and repaired what needed to be repaired and got rid of the rest.

I also reorangized all my fabric in the shelves behind the machine and in the closet and got it neatly folded, organized and rolled up on bolts. It's still not perfect, but at least I know where everything is! :^)

My Singer Featherweight, c. 1941-45. I have two of these machines, each slightly different in date and design. My other machine is somewhat plainer, and is c. 1954-56.
But the older one is my favorite: 

I can't brag on these vintage machines enough - so reliable and hardworking! I've had this one for about five years. It's very very rare that I have to take it in for repairs, most of the upkeep and fixing you can do yourself.

19thc. Reproduction Cottons

As you can probably tell, it's hard for me to pass up a good deal on fabric.
I'll find a use for it all one of the days!

Costume satins and taffetas

And finally, inside my closet lies more shelves filled with pattern storage boxes (very handy for categorizing!)
And - more fabric. :^)

Each pattern box has a category - costumes, 1860s historical, modern, vintage 40s, vintage 50s, etc.

Some day I'd love to have my own 'studio' room (or rooms....) just for sewing, but for now I'm enjoying my newly organized sewing space.


  1. Oh, neat-o! glad you got it organized. Now you can sew away and not worry about everything else (like I do.. lol!) Unfortunately because we don't have a 'sewing room' *sob*, we just pull it out in the dining room or maybe the apartment. So, it gets rather messy and unorganized... lol!!

    It looks lovely. I can't wait to come 'visit' your sewing room sometime.

    Love, Sarah

  2. Looks so great. :) I have a room spacifically for sewing, but its like 4'7" and I can hardly move with all my stuff in there. I'd rather have it in my room, but when you share your room with 2 other people it makes it kinda hard. ;) lol So I too dream of a 'real' sewing room someday. As well as a library. :D

    Your sewing machine are great. I'm supposed to be finding a sewing machine for myself and I'm planning to go with a vintage one...just can't find the perfect one...I've looked on eBay, but its so hard to get one with out actually be able to look at it. :-/ Where did you find yours?

    God bless,

  3. That is "sew" neat! :) I just LOVE it! I find nothing more relaxing or satisfying than sewing something or mending something.


  4. Brooke,

    both my machines we bought of ebay by my mom as a surprise for me for a Christmas and a birthday. :^)

    I've also seen several good ones at estate sales.

    Ebay seems to be a fairly good place to get them - even though you can see them in person. :^)


  5. Thanks so much, Atlanta. :) Now I have some hope. :D lol I'll have to start looking again. :)


  6. It's so organised! Spill the beans - how long will it last like that?

  7. Oh, the wonderful Featherweight! My Mom and I are ardent Singer fans, too=) We have a Featherweight from the 50's (Ebay!:), so it has plain lines, rather then the scroll design on the end plate (which is so gorgeous, by the way!).

    My personal sewing machine is a c. 50's Viscount. I had never heard of the brand before we found the ad for a $10.00 sewing machine on Craig's list and stopped to check it out. It reminds me of a combination between a soda fountain and a retro rocket ship=) I sewed through eight layers of denim with it once, and the motor didn't even bat an eyelash...:) It's actually the robin's egg blue machine in the picture I sent for your interview, with the blouse and pith helmet. . . :^)

    Anyways, it's been delightful to chat about vintage sewing machines, and I love your sewing arrangements!


  8. Dreamstress - haha! well, it's been that way for about a month an a half with no huge change, but I'm sure I'll have to do some upkeep before long! Things never stay the way they are supposed

    Kellie - oh yes, I remember seeing your lovely machine! Wow! 8 layers? I bet your machine would sew through leather too. (mine does on thin stuff)

  9. I saw your machine and just had to comment... I use a featherweight as well. Such a wonderful machine!! Mine actually still belongs to my grandma - she bought it back in the 50s to make my mom's diapers! :) They are wonderful machines! You can see mine here:

  10. Lovely! How I would love a sewing space like that. :D Where did you get the sewing pattern boxes? I definitely could use some of those.

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Chip,

    I got the pattern boxes at walmart. (as much as I hate to shop there. lol) They are really a good size for patterns, and they have a handle on top that's nice too.

  12. That's a beautiful space! I'd love to have a set aside sewing area some day.

  13. Thank you for sharing your delightful sewing space with us. I always enjoy seeing the spaces where other creative people work. I also appreciate your sharing some of your organization solutions.

    My sewing room is also my bedroom, which is not an ideal solution. I'm hoping that I will be able to move into a larger home next year, and have a separate sewing room. What a blessing that will be!

    Your Featherweight sewing machine is absolutely gorgeous. Why can't they make sewing machines so beautiful these days?
