I recently watched the 2005 version of Bleak House (thanks, Rebecca!) and loved it. I'm currently reading the book, too. So - I was excited to find a 'Bleak House Week' event at Wickfield.
I just took the personality quiz. Take it and see who you get! I am Esther Summerson.....
You are mature and sensible with a high moral standard, but you tend to lack confidence in your own abilities and worth.
Ah, thanks for taking the quiz (lucky you, you were Esther!) and joining the FL, Atlanta! ^_^ I'm glad you're enjoying the week at my blog, and I can assure you that you will love the book when you are finished.
I've been going through your posts and you are a very talented seamstress - magnificent work!
Ahh... Bleak House. What a storyline :). The book must be great! SO it looks like I am Ada Clara. Hmm, do you thats very accurate?! You are definitely Emma, my friend!
Haha, Atlanta...I wish it had been guppy...that would have at least made me die laughing...no...unfortunately I got *ahem* ....Prince turveydrop... (what in the world!?) ya...haha....
Hey Atlanta.. I haven't seen the movie, but the character person you were looks really familiar.. maybe like someone on SA?? Any way, here is who I was ( I hope he is a good character, though becuase I got a "him" and not a "her" might be slightly scary!)
John Jarndyce You are magnanimous, friendly, and caring, but you have little patience with idleness and greed. You tend to be a tad moody, though you blame it on the East Wind. ;)
Haha, does it sound anything like me??? be honest!! ;)lol
Thanks for doing this! when we get together for a sewing week we will have to watch it! we might be able to get it from Netflix, if you don't own it..
I don't know how much I like taking quizzes...I must just answer wrong everytime or somthing...you should take the quiz for me and answer truthfully about my quirks and then we'll know for sure! :)
Quizzes are fun if they are well written - and the BL one is really great. Let me know if you write any more!
I have been enjoying all your BL posts this week. Although - sadly I haven't been able to comment on your blog because my computer won't let me unless the comments are pop-ups, or separate pages.
I actually have three more quizzes on this page of my David Copperfield website, and I plan on making a few more soon, now that I've found TheQuizzery (I like it's format a lot). :)
Hmm, I need to fix the comment problems on my blog, then - I'm off to do that now!
Ah, thanks for taking the quiz (lucky you, you were Esther!) and joining the FL, Atlanta! ^_^ I'm glad you're enjoying the week at my blog, and I can assure you that you will love the book when you are finished.
I've been going through your posts and you are a very talented seamstress - magnificent work!
thanks, Nibs! I also made my brother take the quiz, and he was Woodcourt. (he hasn't seen BL, though, so I had to tell him who the character was! lol)
Also - thanks for requesting the BL hairstyles on Rapunzels Resource! I had requested the very same thing several weeks ago!
Hey! Lucky "miss esther"! I would rather not say who I was...*ahem* :)
Which brother got Woodcourt? :)
Rebecca! I'm dying to know! Who was it? Not - *gasp* - Guppy? Mort'fyin...
Cim got Woodcourt.
Ahh... Bleak House. What a storyline :). The book must be great!
SO it looks like I am Ada Clara. Hmm, do you thats very accurate?!
You are definitely Emma, my friend!
Lol - I don't know how accurate it is or not...I do feel like I can relate to Esther more than the other characters, however.
You being Ada? I guess that sort of fits. I just hope you don't end up with a guy like Richard. :^)
Aspen got Nemo. okay.....
Laredo got Smallweed. (he was giving silly answers on purpose)
Haha, I just realized I wrote Emma... I meant Esther :-/. I was typing to fast for my thinking.
These quizes are always fun. It's funny to see when they are accurate and when they are not. Aspen got Nemo - did he even have a personality?!
Ditto about a guy like Richard :-P
Haha, Atlanta...I wish it had been guppy...that would have at least made me die laughing...no...unfortunately I got *ahem* ....Prince turveydrop... (what in the world!?) ya...haha....
Hahahaha about Smallweed! That's amazing! :) LOL!
Lol Rebecca! Maybe you could take it again....?
Hey Atlanta.. I haven't seen the movie, but the character person you were looks really familiar.. maybe like someone on SA?? Any way, here is who I was ( I hope he is a good character, though becuase I got a "him" and not a "her" might be slightly scary!)
John Jarndyce
You are magnanimous, friendly, and caring, but you have little patience with idleness and greed. You tend to be a tad moody, though you blame it on the East Wind. ;)
Haha, does it sound anything like me??? be honest!! ;)lol
Thanks for doing this! when we get together for a sewing week we will have to watch it! we might be able to get it from Netflix, if you don't own it..
Love you!
Sarah - the magnanimous, friendly, caring person fits - but definately not the moody grumpy part! But - he is a good character!
Yes - we do need to watch Bleak House during our sewing week! I don't have a copy - but maybe I will by then. :^)
I don't know how much I like taking quizzes...I must just answer wrong everytime or somthing...you should take the quiz for me and answer truthfully about my quirks and then we'll know for sure! :)
Oh, Rebecca, Prince Turveydrop is a sweet character! You're lucky too. :)
Thanks for promoting my quiz, Atlanta - it looks like it got more traffic here than at my blog!
Nibs - you are very welcome!
Quizzes are fun if they are well written - and the BL one is really great. Let me know if you write any more!
I have been enjoying all your BL posts this week. Although - sadly I haven't been able to comment on your blog because my computer won't let me unless the comments are pop-ups, or separate pages.
I actually have three more quizzes on this page of my David Copperfield website, and I plan on making a few more soon, now that I've found TheQuizzery (I like it's format a lot). :)
Hmm, I need to fix the comment problems on my blog, then - I'm off to do that now!
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