Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Reenactor Website is Here!

I have decided to go ahead and make the new 'Historical Help' webiste public!
This is designed to be a 'jumping off' point for new reenactors, not a complete and exhaustive website. I hope to give correct information on basic clothing questions, and get people pointed in the right direction towards reputable resources and merchants.

As you will notice, not everything is complete yet.
I have yet to finish the 'Farby Gallery' the 'Inspiration Gallery'.  Thank you to everyone who has offered pictures for the galleries! I am hoping to add these soon. If you have pictures you would like included (good or farby outfits), please comment and let me know! I have been having the best time laughing at my own horrible farby pictures. I'm sure you will laugh too! :^) But, hey. That is what this website is all about. Learning from other's mistakes and helping newbies!

Also the 'Accessories' and 'Extras' pages are not written yet. (if anyone would like to help with this - that would be amazing. On those pages I plan to discuss aprons, collars, shawls, outerwear, quilted petticoats, jewelry, gloves, etc. Things that aren't strictly neccessary for a first-time outfit, but that greatly improve an impression)

I have a few specific pictures I would like to feature. If you have either of these, please considering sharing!  1. A picture of a period-correct silk ballgown  2. A picture of a period correct white sheer waist (garabaldi shirt) ensemble 3. Pictures of straw or silk bonnets

As you view the site, please feel free to let me kow of any improvements that need to be made - or just your opinion. All constructive comments and critisism are welcome!

If you would like to link to the site, grab one of these buttons!



  1. Lovely site!! I don't have time to look too much at it today, but when I have some more time, I can't wait to explore!!

    Thanks for doing this!

    Love ya, Sarah

  2. I wouldn't mind writing up a little something about gloves and/or fans. I don't know much about the other topics listed, but I have researched those two items some.

    If that's alright, I'll try to write up a little something either tonight or tomorrow.


  3. Great idea! You might want to add The Midwest Civil War Civilian Conference under "events" - there is a website.

  4. Atlanta, I just wanted to let you know that you have been awarded the "One Lovely Blog Award" over at my blog! :)

  5. Hey friend!
    I think this is so awesome, and you're the perfect person to do it :D. Can't wait to see all that you do.
    And to let you know, I would love to share any and all photo's we have. We have more than plenty. (yes, including a few farby one's from the ole days...) and you're are more than welcome to use any pics of us Covey's that you might have.
    Let me know what types of pics you want and I'll get them to you.
    You know my email ;)

  6. I wrote up a post about head coverings. There are a lot of period pictures included. Hope it helps for the new site. The link is:
