Monday, June 21, 2010

Trip to Oklahoma pictures and New Linen Western Skirt

Last Saturday we made an all-day trip into Oklahoma to attend a fiddle contest and a rodeo. Well, the contest was in the morning,  and the rodeo didn't start until evening, so we had a lot of time to burn in between. We went antique shopping (I'll post about my finds later!), got ice cream, and drove out to a nearby state park. Even though none of us had planned (or dressed) to go hiking, we decided to walk a ways on one of the trails anyway. The scenery was stunning!

The boys ahead of everyone else. (of course)

A mysterious cabin hidden in the rocks and trees.



Aren't the rocks incredible?

Look close and you can see a whitetail deer...

The scenery instantly reminded me of Elizabeth Bennet's visit to the lake country!
 I'm definately coming back for a regency photo shoot!

A rather wilted, but still beautiful thistle.

In the town there were so many beautiful old houses!

Now for a brief retro western-chic fashion description. :^P
(I apologize for the wrinkled-ness of the pictures. I had been a long hot day and lots of car riding)

Pink fabric hair flower (by me)

Orange ruffle plaid snap shirt by Vanity

Braided leather belt

Western boots by Boulet

Also - I recently aquired a vintage one piece slip. It was very comfortable! (I hate elastic waist slips!)

And, finally, my newly-sewn brown linen skirt. The pattern is from a wondefully easy Jean Hardy western flare skirt pattern. I would definatley recommend it. The directions are very clear and the pattern goes together wonderfully.  


the rodeo went on until all hours. We finally had to leave about midnight before it ended.....

I personally think all bull-riders must be crazy. You could never get me on one of those bucking animals!

All in all, a very good Saturday.


  1. Those photos are great. That cabin is really shady looking though. I wonder what's in there with those old prison doors.

  2. Beautiful scenery! I love pic of you looking out over everything!

  3. Neat photos!! You looked like Lizzy standing there over looking the bluffs. ;) Definitely go back for a photo shoot!

    Yeah, bull riding just never appealed to me..

    Wouldn't that mysterious cabin be a fun place to make a movie?? Some kind of mystery... lol!

    Love ya! Sarah

  4. Hey!
    You look fabulous, the pictures are fabulous, your outfit is fabulous.... i love it.

    Allison Elizabeth♥

  5. Just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your blog! I just found it via the Sewing Academy via another blog! I'm also a reenactor and love seeing other people's projects! I love all your wonderful sewing projects! You have inspired me!


  6. Nice photos, and lovely skirt. Great job!

  7. Such very pretty pictures Atlanta!!! It looks like a fun trip. And I love your flower :D
    Oh.... and I haven't dropped off the face of the planet, just been crazy busy and hardly touched any computer! I'll be emailing you back soon...
