Friday, July 16, 2010

The Perfect Regency Photoshoot

This week my dear friend Rebecca has been visting! We had planned on being very productive and getting ever so many sewing projects done - but alas. It was not to be. Instead we decided to do a Regency photoshoot. And for that, of course, one must have curls.

So - here we are late at night rolling each curl up in a rag. (old pieces of hose)

ta-da! In the morning curls appear! I went for a slightly Marie-Antoinette-ish look, and with Rebecca a sweet simple twist with curls cascading down each side.

We were blessed to have the perfect photographic light outside. Bright white cloudy light with just a touch of a breeze. It was excellent weather for photos!

This one reminded me of  Elinor and Marianne

Oh dear! Marianne has sprained her ankle!

In the garden...

Pondering wildflowers...

A rather ghostly Wuthering-Heights-ish photo.

...the improvement of her mind by extensive reading. (P&P chapter 8)

Rebecca is wearing the pink linen dress I mentioned before. Doesn't she look lovely?

I wore the white sheer dress with a black ribbon and locket, accessorized with a hot-pink ribbon sash and a hairflower.

Rebecca has also posted pictures at her blog!

Quite a perfectly perfect Regency day, wouldn't you say?


  1. I love your dress! White dresses with bright ribbons are so scrumptious. :-)

  2. You both look lovely! And those dresses are amazing! How do you roll curls in rags? Looks awfully hard!

  3. Stunning! ~ everything...the ladies, the dresses, the hair styles, the photography...just stunning. =)

  4. What a beautiful photo shoot! Amazing dresses and photography and poses, I love it!

  5. You two are SO gorgeous! And how fun! too cute!

  6. I loved it! Your hair looks so perfect! How did you do it?

  7. Wow!! Nice job! I love the dresses.. You two are SO photogenic, it isn't even funny. lol!!! ;) Seriously, though, you two look beautiful. Stunning, in fact, and the pictures are great! Hurray for Becca's Mom and Mrs. Shannon!!

    Did you dampen your hair before you put them in rollers? I usually do it after I get out of the shower where my hair is really wet, but then I have to wait for a really long time for it to dry (my hair is too thick)..

    Ok, so next time we see you, I want to see all the other pictures (Becca said you took 400 or something... lol!)

    Talk soon!
    Love ya, Sarah

  8. Thank you, girls! We did have tons of fun doing the photos.

    Okay, so, rag curls. You want your hair just slightly damp. Freshly washed is best. Then starting at the forhead, take a small amount of hair and wrap the end around a rag (5" piece of hose or cloth) keep wrapping and rolling the hair until you reach your head. Tie the rag in one single snug knot. Keeping rolling small pieces until all y our hair is in rags! Then, go to sleep and the next morning unroll them! (if they feel completely dry inside the rolls)
    Maybe I will do a blog post tutorial with pictures on this sometime. ?


    Mine I twisted and poofed the front hair over the forhead and secured it in a flat clip. Then I took the ends of that same hair (that was curly) and just piled it up on top of the clip. Takes lots of pins and hairspray.

    For Rebbeca's do, she had a side part. So, I just took a section of curls above each ear and fliped it over to the other side, twisting and pinning as I went.

  9. The curls look great! You girls look so pretty!

  10. You look so beautiful! And the dresses, too, of course. :D

    Abby :D

  11. Wow! I just love these photos!

    I agree with the title 100%. PERFECT Regency Photoshoot.

    Loverly post, and loverly blog! *clicks to follow*

    Christ's blessings,

  12. Hi,
    I just wanted to let you know that I linked your Blog on my post for Good Regency sites to look at I hope you will approve!
    Many Blessings Linnie

  13. Gorgeous! I loved sense and much so that I immediately made a 'draft' dress out of an old sheet :p I'm working on the 'second draft' at the moment...hope to make one for my senior prom :)

  14. Amazing photos and very beautiful dresses!!
    Anna from Sweden
