Monday, August 30, 2010

Princess Bride Dress Finished!

The Princess Bride dress was finished about a week ago! Yeah! I'm pretty happy with it. Here are a few sneak peak pictures to give you the general idea.

I'll tell the entire construction story, along with lots of pictures during the Historical Costume Inspiration Festival!
Has anyone else been working on their costumes for the event? :^)


  1. Oh, my goodness, it's lovely!!! I can't wait to see it!

    And yes, I have been working on mine! ;-)

  2. Ooooo! How very pretty. I can't wait to see more detailed pictures. . . the suspense is killing me. :D

    Yes. . . I've begun working on my entry. So far I have some of it cut out, but haven't gotten much further than that yet. To continue, I need fabric dye and some trim. :D

    I am definitely getting excited about the upcoming event!

  3. Ohhh!!! Is that based on Buttercup's white and blue dress??? I LOVE IT!! Can't wait to read more about it and see more pictures! :-D

  4. Wow! It's lovely! Can't wait to read more about it!
    No. I haven't started on anything yet. I looking for a few patterns and some fabric! Can't wait to get started though! : )


  5. Atlanta,
    Oh my goodness! I absolutely love that dress! The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies, and that dress is...well...words can't describe how beautiful it is.
    Your sister in Christ,
    Liz Darcy

  6. It's so beautiful! Even in these glimpses!
    I haven't been working on it yet... I should have. I think I'll do something today, though. I hope so.

  7. GORGEOUS! The sleeves are to die for. ^.^
