Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Historical Costume Inspiration Festival has officially begun!

Welcome to the Historical Costume Inspiration Festival!
An entire week of celebration for seamstresses and fans of historical costumes (Ancient times to 1960)!

Use the linky below to sumbit your blog costume posts entries, or flickr photo links!
Click here for the flickr group.
Click here to read more info about the festival.
(if you would like me to add your photos to the flickr group, just email me)


1. Your costume must be inspired by a particular source. A painting, movie, museum dress, character, book passage, etc. You may enter as many costumes as you wish.

2. It must have at least some grounding in historical fashion (Ancient times –1960s) but this can mean not only exact historical reproductions, but also fantasy costumes, modern twists, combinations of time periods – whatever you can imagine.

Note: you can participate using costumes you have sewn previously.
You can enter full costumes, or just a piece (shoes, hat, apron, corset, etc). Doll costumes or miniature costumes are also acceptable.

On Saturday, Oct. 9th I will announce my favorite entries for:

-Most Creative/original

-Best Reproduction

-Best Photo Shoot

Each will be awarded with a special blog button and a $10 gift certificate to!

Now - let the festival begin!


  1. How exciting! Great job, Atlanta!
    What fun we will have this week looking at all the costumes!
    Prairie Shepherdess

  2. Very nice! I found your blog from Mia's site. I'll be following the contest! And the blog! Take care and God bless!

  3. Very nice idea- I just had to join in! Followed you from the Hyaline Prosaic blog

  4. Thank you, Isis! So glad you could join!

  5. Enjoyed looking at the lovely costumes. I made dance and Halloween costumes, but I have never tried my hand at anything historical.
