Friday, October 15, 2010

One more day to vote!

You have one more day to vote in the polls on the left hand sidebar! Let us know your favorites from the Historical Costume Inspiration Festival!!  To decide your favorites, click here to see the finalists.

And- I think it's decided. Let's do the festival again next year! Only - I think I need to decide on a different time of year to have it. Fall is just way too busy for me already. I'm thinking about either August, early September, or January. What would be the best time of year for you?

Also - please feel free to brainstorm and let me know any ideas you might have for improving the festival! I've got several new ideas....


  1. January!!!!!! Definitely. October is a pretty busy month for everybody.

  2. Definitely not January - we're still knee deep in snow up north that time of year!=) Frozen fingers, toes and noses make for interesting photo shoots;)

  3. No way, not January!! I still have to learn how to MAKE a costume! :P

    How about August or September? It should be early enough in August to avoid the first few weeks of school (when a lot of people are swamped), or you can do it in the middle of September after everyone's settled into their routine. :)

  4. Lol! Well - I didn't mean this upcoming January, I meant Jan. 2012
    but - yeah. Good point about the cold photo shoots. Not the greatest.

    Okay - we'll lets tenatively shoot for August, then.

    thanks for the input!

  5. I like August, because the summertime is when I have the most time to sew and read/watch movies for inspiration. :)

  6. I forgot to say this in my previous comment, but I'm so glad that you're planning on doing this festival again next year! It was so fun and inspiring seeing all of the different costumes, and "meeting" new friends:)

    And August sounds like an excellent month to me - nice and warm:)

  7. August is best for me...we're still just beginning to think about recovering from Christmas in January, in fact, we're usually in the midst of extended-visit celebrations. ;-)

  8. August sounds like a great idea! So, would it be August 2011?
    Thank you for deciding to host this event was so much fun. :)

  9. I agree that January is a bad time for many of us, and early September would be bad for readers who are students (or who have children who are in school). But August could work. Very little happens here in the middle of August, so it would be nice to have a cheery event like the Historical Costume Inspiration Festival then!
