Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jane Austen Society Convention

Have you ever had something wonderful thrown in your lap all of the sudden, a God-given opportunity that you never even thought about?
 I was contacted about 2 weeks ago about having a booth for Regency attire at the Jane Austen Society's annual convention. And, since it happens to be this October in Fort Worth, TX, I said yes! The theme this year is 'Sense and Sensibility'. They are having some great workshops/speakers on the topic! I probably won't get to attend most of them, since I will be mainly in the Emporium, but I do hope to attend the ball!

I'm getting so excited already planning what is going to be in my booth, and how I will display it all. For starters, I'll have lots of ready made Regency dresses, corsets, chemises, spencers, etc. for sale of various sizes, then my Regency Dress Designer Kits, and a few other ideas that are currently in the works. I've definately got my sewing cut out for me this summer.....(no pun intended....:^)

Rebecca will be sharing the booth with me, and we are thrilled to have the chance to wear Regency attire for so many days in a row!! This also fits in perfectly with the Double Period Project 2011 contest. Hope to have my contest dress done by the convention!

I would love to hear any ideas you girls might have for the booth! Also, if anyone is going to be at the convention, do let me know, I would love to meet you!


  1. I would love to be there. LOVE. The only issue is transportation to Texas and money and time to do it while I'm in school... so I guess it's not practical. : (
    I'm so jealous right now! Have fun and post lots of pictures!

  2. I think to have your sewing 'cut out for you' actually makes it quite a bit easier.

  3. How wonderful!! You'll definitely have to keep us updated. :D I'm so excited that this happened - I do love it when God drops something in your lap like that!

  4. Mom was actually seeing about possibly going.. obviously it is a long ways off, but it sure would be fun!! Actually, my Nana would really love to go to one, so who knows.. maybe we girls will have to take a road trip! :)

  5. ooooh! So wish I could come! It sounds like a lot of fun.

  6. How lovely! I'm so glad you've been blessed with this wonderful opportunity! :)

    I've never made any regency things, but I'd really like to. This is my dream regency dress: It is listed as a wedding dress from maybe I should consider making it in a different colour, but then again it seems like alot of regency dresses were white and I'm sure they weren't all wedding dresses. :-/ I should probably start with somthing simpler like this tho.... :D
    And then I love all kind of coats. So I'd have to make a spencer jacket. :P

    Needless to say it will definately be interesting to see what your making for the convention. ;)

    God bless you and yours,

  7. That is *so* exciting Atlanta!
    Of course I can't go, but I will be thinking of you there, having all that splendid fun :)

  8. How perfectly thrilling! I am so excited for both of you girls! What an amazing opportunity. I'll be looking forward to seeing your chronicles of this splendid event!

    I just thought of something spur-of-the-moment for booth decor - you might get ahold of some old, worn-out Jane Austen novels and use the pages and/or covers as a design element. Something like little hanging pennants/streamers out of the pages. . . =)


  9. that sounds like you will have a grand time, I had no idea that there was a jane Austen annual convention I will have to look into it !!

  10. Ohhhhh! Please keep us updated!!! This sounds so dreamy and wonderful! Wish I could go....

    God bless!

  11. Sounds like fun! I love Regency fashion and really anything English. I'm such an Anglophile!
